Thursday, February 26, 2009

People love to love dogs

People love dogs. People love to love dogs. People love to own dogs. What type of dogs do people love to own? Well, all sorts of people have fallen in love with dogs over the centuries. Famous people own dogs. Poor people own dogs. The average person owns dogs. Dogs even sometimes live at nursing homes and dogs have performed many functions for centuries. In some Asian countries, dogs sometimes even become food.

Have there been famous people with famous dogs? Yes! Through out history, many famous people have owned famous dogs. Will Rogers once said, "If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went." Most people who are dog people will agree that most dogs are nicer than most people.

Dogs are not judgemental nor do they care how much money you earn. Dogs do not even care if you have a job so long as you make it YOUR job to give them love and lots of hugs. Joe Weinstein said, "My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3 a can. That’s almost $21 in dog money." Dogs are very basic, simply creatures and they are surely not as complicated to understand as humans are. People make life complicated. Dogs do not.

Dogs make great pets for many people, especially senior citizens. They provide companionship and instant friendship. Dogs do not mind how old you are. Dogs will love you even if you are in diapers! Young or old. Over the centuries, dogs have provided valuable service to people. From assisting fire fighters to helping locate victims of earthquakes! Dogs can be trained to help people who need assistance with personal chores. From ringing bells, to picking up small items to helping the blind get around. Dogs can even learn to perform multiple tricks!

Many people who love to own dogs have a need with learning how to train their dogs. Casar Milan is a well respected dog trainer with alot of terrific information on how to train your dog! His website provides alot of great information. Some people go to college to learn how to become a better dog person. Seriously! Check out this link if you are interested in getting a degree on becoming a better dog person! Dogs think, feel and react very much like humans. That's why people and dogs go together like peanut butter and jelly! But you'd have to be a dog person to agree with this notion.

Dogs actually help people understand themselves better as human beings. There are millions of people on our planet who own dogs. Some people shouldn't own dogs and some dogs shouldn't be around people. You can see dogs virtually anywhere! You see people throwing a frisbee for a dog in a park. You see people walking their dog on a sidewalk. If you visit Germany, you will even see dogs riding on a trolly or sitting besides its master at a local cafe. Some people have more pictures of their dog than of their children. Some children prefer their dog over their friends. Some dogs prefer one person over another.

Many people will tell you long stories of how their dogs have enriched their lives. Some people don't even want to discuss dogs at all! Sometimes a person will think they are not a dog person at all until they meet a dog. Then suddenly that non-dog person becomes magically transformed. Some people are morons around dogs and some dogs think some people are morons. Dogs can make us laugh. Dogs can make us cry. Dogs can make us mad and dogs can make us happy. Not everyone loves dogs and not every dog loves a person. One thing is for sure, however!

Dogs have been around for centuries and we will continue to see dogs for as long as we see people.

*Author/Breeder: Dee Gerrish of Goldendoodle World cc@2009

*Photo courtesy: Goldendoodle World: and Goldendoodle owner, Cheryl as well as Goldendoodle, Sonny.

(Sonny is a male Goldendoodle that was purchased by Cheryl from Goldendoodle World. Sonny has been featured in a magazine article

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